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  • Registrant : 杉並区
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/16
  • Published : 2023/09/16
  • Changed :2023/09/16
  • Total View : 555 persons
2023/9/16 - 2024/2/10 / 杉並区 / Other

2023 Suginami Adult School First Steps Course

After school for adults to reflect on themselves and find connections with society

The "Suginami Otona Juku" is a learning program that fosters free thinking in an "after school" style to realize one's potential, deepen networking, and create a new community together.

The "First Steps Course," which will start this year, is designed for those who are "new to Otona Juku. ?

For those who are interested in the "First Steps Course" but are not sure about joining the course, a trial meeting will be held on August 17 at Sesion Suginami. The trial meeting will be held at Sesion Suginami on August 17, 2012. At the pre-trial meeting, course guidance and orientation will be provided. Please feel free to attend the pre-trial meeting.

Venue Sesion Suginami
Address 杉並区
Date 2023/9/16 - 2024/2/10
Time 14:30 minute(s) - 16:30 minute(s)
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