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  • Registrant : 杉並区
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/16
  • Published : 2023/09/16
  • Changed :2023/09/16
  • Total View : 492 persons
2023/9/9 - 2024/3/9 / 杉並区 / Other

UNESCO Junior High School Club ( Let's enjoy English conversation and international exchange ).

This is an international understanding program for junior high school students co-sponsored by the Suginami UNESCO Association and the Center for Social Education. Once a month, while enjoying English conversation, students learn about the differences in lifestyles and cultures from guest speakers from various countries and deepen their cross-cultural understanding.

This is an international understanding program for junior high school students co-sponsored by the Suginami UNESCO Association and the Center for Social Education. Once a month, while enjoying English conversation, students learn about the differences in lifestyles and cultures from guest speakers from various countries and deepen their cross-cultural understanding.

Venue Koenji Central Conference Room
Address 杉並区
Date 2023/9/9 - 2024/3/9
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